The phone comes with a 6.43-inch touchscreeHD display and features a 8 GB RAM along with a 128 GB internal memory. The phone is also decked with 64MP + 8MP + 2MP rear camera and 32MP front camera for your images and videos. For power, the Phone relies on a 4300 mAh Li-Ion battery to give you that extra juice and power when you are on your phone. The phone features a beautiful and sleek design. The processing power of the phone is driven by the MediaTek Dimensity 900 Processor that comes along with it.
16.33 cm (6.43 inch) Full HD+ Display
64MP + 8MP + 2MP | 32MP Front Camera
4300 mAh Lithium-ion Polymer Battery
MediaTek Dimensity 900 Processor
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